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10 Quickest Ways to Feel Joy

10 Quickest Ways to Feel Joy
By: CLTaylor5

You wake up feeling joyful but at some point the events of your day
interfere with that blissful stream. You may find yourself feeling stranded.
Where did my joy go? And more important, how do I get it back?

Joy is a natural state of being. If you let yourself express the true feeling
that you find in your heart at any given moment, it is a peaceful state of
bliss. It can get blocked, however, by how we are responding to the events
in our day.

Here's what you can do to quickly bring yourself back into alignment when
you find yourself at odds and missing your ecstatic state:

1. Center yourself first. Anyone who has practiced meditation for
sometime has learned how to tap into the inner self. That's the first place
you need to get back to. Other ways to reach your center could be
listening to self-help tapes - anything that inspires that feeling of joy inside.

2. Eliminate someone else's negativity. This can be a difficult one as
we don't always have the choice to immediately get rid of someone negative
in our environment. But clean them out you must! Find a way to be
surrounded by positive influences only.

3. Use nature to calm your mind. If your thoughts are stilled, your
true emotions have a chance to surface, so take a walk in nature, listen to
whale sounds, go surfing, visit a flower garden and take in the smells. Or
just plant your feet in the bare ground. Connect to Mother Nature.

4. If you have unfinished business, take care of it. This refers to old
habits that continuously arise because you've ignored the problem and
refused to deal with it. Healing is a critical step in living daily joy. You have
to get rid of the garbage along the road.

5. Calm your body by doing yoga postures as they can relieve a lot of
physical stress. Yogis believe that our bodies aren't getting older so much as
we are holding on to stress. Learn to release the stress from your muscles
on a daily basis so you can travel in your body more comfortably. It's hard to
experience joy when your muscles are screaming at you.

6. Be in solitude. Quiet times clear out the cobwebs. Listen deeply to
the silence and peace and joy will be your closest companions.

7. Take a vacation from all of your activities. We all have way too
much to do these days, so you have to schedule time for things like a hot
bath, get a facial or massage, soak your feet or enjoy some aromatherapy.
Just get away from work.

8. Breathe. Take a long deep breath many times a day. As you
breathe into your abdomen, center your thoughts and feelings in your heart
area. Feel the love pouring through you. Allow yourself to remember a
favorite time in your life when you felt complete and enthusiastic. Imagine
your creating asking you, ??Do you know how beautiful you are in my eyes???

9. Deal with the ego. If your habitual thoughts are trying to take
over, tell them to take a break. What often works is to say, ??You made
your point now go away.?? Then move on and don't fight or struggle with
the ego. Keep your thoughts and feelings focused on joy and your inner
connection to spirit.

10. Let go. Surrendering your normal thoughts, bad feelings, and
habitual routines can feel difficult and scary sometimes, but it is often the
best answer to freeing yourself into the arms of joy. The divine source of
energy is always present and available to you upon request. The better you
get at letting go of what you don't want, the easier it will be to have the
joy you do want. You just have to ask for it and then open yourself to

One last tip: Keep a note card with you at all times with your list of the
quickest ways to feel joy. When you find yourself straying from your center,
take it out and try one. If that one doesn't work, keep trying another until
one does. Here's to your joy!

Interpreting Your Dreams

Interpreting Your Dreams

Many of us suppress our emotions in the waking world—especially extreme ones—for fear of somehow alienating those around us, or else of appearing dangerously vulnerable, or even of disgusting ourselves.
This means that the only way in which we can “safely” express our true feelings is in dreamland. Dreams that are flooded with a positive emotion may furthermore often be categorized as wish-fulfillment dreams, while those that are blighted by a negative emotion may be classed as safety-valve dreams.

Below is an analysis of two emotions common in dreams: fear and freedom.


If you had a nightmare that left you paralyzed with fear, you probably awoke feeling very relieved to realize that it was just a dream, and you may have spent most of the next day trying to push it out of your memory. However, these types of dreams are underlined by our waking fears—which are very real, though perhaps repressed—which are likely to appear in our dreams again and again until we confront and resolve them.

Symbolic and Verbal Associations

Unconscious fears; phobias

Something (or someone) that one finds “monstrous”

Repressed personal qualities or characteristics

External threats

A call to action; the “fight or flight” response

Positive Interpretations:

If you have a waking phobia of spiders, did you wake up in a panic after dreaming that hundreds of giant, hairy arachnids were crawling all over you?

Or, if you suffer from a fear of heights, did you have a nightmare in which you found yourself dangling precariously over the edge of a very high cliff?

If so, your dream was probably just mirroring your waking phobias, especially if something in the real world has recently triggered your fear.

And, as scary as your dream may have been to you, your unconscious mind probably selected the nightmare scenario as a “call to action,” in order to urge you to confront and conquer your fear.

If you have a recurring scary dream, you may find it helpful to tell yourself that when you next have the dream, you will not run from whatever it is that frightens you, be it spiders or boogeymen, but will instead stand and face whatever it is.

If you do, you may be surprised to find that the dream consequences are not as bad as you imagined them to be, which will help to allay your fear and hopefully put an end to the dreams.

Negative Interpretations:

The unconscious will sometimes portray our fears in monstrous form. Did you have a dream in which you were being pursued by a hideous, fanged monster that had run you down and was about to overtake you?

If so, the monster was most likely a symbol of something that you fear in the waking world that you feel is threatening to consume you.

Doing some free association may help you to figure out whom or what your dream monster represented. Was it your predatory lover? An ogre-like teacher? Your own “green-eyed” beast of jealousy? Could your dream vampire have represented your energy-sapping friend? (Or had you just watched a vampire movie on late-night television?)

Once you have identified the source of your fright, you will be better able to arm yourself in order to do battle with whatever it is that is troubling you.


Sometimes our dreams may fill us with an exhilarating sense of freedom or liberation. And when we awake from this sort of dream, we may feel somewhat let down or disappointed to realize that we must now deal with the more mundane reality of the world.

Dreams of flying may be the most literal or obvious form of freedom dreams, but almost any dream scenario may fall into this category, depending on our own subjective feelings and experiences.

Symbolic and Verbal Associations

Exhilaration Escape; release Casting off your shackles “Being yourself ” “Flying high,” or “floating free”

Positive Interpretations:

In your dream, were you soaring over beautiful mountains and valleys, or running carefree through a meadow of wildflowers? Or did your dream self rise up and walk out of your tedious office job for the last time?

Dreams in which we finally break away from the chains and shackles that bind us—physically or emotionally—are likely to fill us with an overwhelming feeling of euphoria.

Wish-fulfillment, escapist fantasy dreams of this sort are special treats from our unconscious minds, sent to us in order to make up or compensate for the tedium or drudgery of our day-to-day lives.

These dreams may provide us with the little extra boost that we need in order to cope with daily life—and if we heed their message, they may even encourage us to release ourselves from whatever (or whoever) is holding us back or sapping our vitality in the waking world.

Negative Interpretations:

If you felt extremely sad or depressed after waking from a dream in which you experienced ultimate freedom, do you feel that the dreariness and the confines of your current life have chained you down so firmly that there is no way of ever escaping to happiness?

For instance, are you in a relationship that is making you feel trapped or claustrophobic? Are the demands of others, or of your workload, stealing your time, your energy, or your individuality? Do you long for a more exciting, stimulating relationship, job, or life? Do you desire the freedom to “be yourself ”?

If so, your unconscious mind was probably using your dream in order to urge you to seek appropriate help to take the necessary steps to release yourself from whatever situation is confining you.

Though your dream may have provided you with a temporary release from your troubles, you may continue to experience your waking sadness until you make a conscious effort to cast off your shackles— whether they were put on you by yourself or by others—and to live your life in whatever manner you find personally fulfilling.